School opens at 8 am and closes at 5 pm (full day students). Our part day classes end at 1pm. You may choose to arrive any time in between 8 am - 9 a.m. We prefer children to be here by 9 am to allow them to experience the daily activities planned. If your child is enrolled in the full day program, you may pick up any time after 2:30 pm and on.
It is important that you sign your child in & out each day. It is a requirement of licensing and the family could be charged $100 per missed signature if not completed. We will be using the parent communication app Famly for checking in and out. It must be downloaded to your mobile device.
It has been our experience that the separation between child and parent occurs best when the parent says a warm, short “good-bye” at the door. We ask that moms, dads, and siblings remain outside the classroom when your child arrives at school. If you or your child is experiencing difficulties with the separation process, please talk to anyone on our staff, and we will work together to support your child.
9:00 Door Opens
9:00-9:55 Free Choice Time, Children explore classroom activities at his/her own pace
9:55-10:00 Clean-Up Classroom Materials
10:00-10:20 Large Group Carpet Time, Songs, Music, Movement, Stories, Handwriting Without Tears, Calendar, Faith Curriculum
10:20-10:55 Small Group Table Time, Bathroom, Snack, Story, Cognitive Activity
10:55-11:00 Transition to Outdoor Playground
11:00-12:00 Playground Time
12:00-12:10 Transition to Classrooms
12:10-12:25 Bathroom Break & Hand Washing
12:25-12:50 Lunch
12:50-1:00 Closing Circle Time and Dismissal​
8:00 Door Opens
8:00-9:00 Free Choice Time
9:00-1:00 Same as Part Time Class Schedule Above
1:00-2:30 Nap/Rest Time
2:30-3:00 Bathroom Break & Quiet Activities
3:00-3:15 Snack Time, provided by the school
3:15-4:00 Outdoor Playground Time
4:00-4:10 Transition to Classrooms & Bathroom Break
4:10-4:30 Circle Time
4:30-5:00 Free Choice
5:00 Dismissal and Preschool Closes
Your child will bring a snack container with their snack and a lunch box/bag to school for their food each school day. There will be a mid-morning snack time and a lunch time. Snack containers are supplied by the school.
Please pack a nutritious mid-morning snack to include in their lunch box. Some recommendations are: whole wheat crackers, cheese or fruit, along with their water bottle or juice. We ask that their lunch choices are a balanced meal, with easy to open bags and containers..
Children will not be permitted to share food.
4-year-old and young 5-year-olds (5 days) - $2,050/month
3-year-old (5 days) - $2,050/month
3-year-old (M/W/F) - $1,625/month
3-year-old (T/Th) - $$1,180/month
4-year-old and young 5-year-olds (5 days) - $1,200/month
3-year-old (5 days) - $1,200/month
3-year-old (M/W/F) - $955/month
3-year-old (T/Th) - $750/month
Tuition is billed monthly is due on the 1st of the month. Tuition is considered late after the 5th of the month. A late fee of $75 will be charged to families when the monthly tuition is paid after the 5th of the month.
Prior to the school year, all accepted students will have due a holding deposit of $400 toward their September tuition, to be paid no later than February 1. If you enroll and are accepted after February 14 and before May 1, the holding deposit is due at the time of acceptece into the class. The balance of the September tuition is due on May 1 of that school year. Any student enrolled after May 1 will have the entire September tuition due. NOTE: This is your September tuition payment. Your next payment is not due until October 1.
Monthly invoices will be sent to families through our Early Childhood Platform "Famly". Invoices can be paid through "Famly" by credit care, debit card and EFT. Invoices can also be paid by checks made payable to PCC Preschool and mailed or delivered to the preschool office. There is a 2.8% fee on all credit and debit card payments. EFT payments will not incur a fee (payment with bank routing number). Families are expected to keep their tuition payments current on a monthly basis. Tuition reminders are given each month.
All tuition is due regardless of sickness, vacations, or holidays (including Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter Break, President's/Ski week and Spring Break), AND emergency-related closings mandated by the state/local governments, such as a pandemic or extreme weather, unless it is longer than two weeks.
The State of California requires that an adult bring each child to the classroom door and the adult remain until the site director or a teacher receives the child. The same is true at dismissal time. Each child will be dismissed directly to an authorized adult from one of our preschool staff. Only persons authorized by you on your enrollment forms may pick up your child. If someone else is picking up your child, the directors must receive a note with the person’s name, relationship to the child, and the date(s) this person will be authorized to pick your child up. Please put your pick up information in writing. Also, be sure to let your child know who will be picking them up from school. This creates a sense of security for your child and helps the transition from school to home to go more smoothly.
The State of California also requires that the person who brings your child to school and the person who picks your child up at the end of school signs their child in & out. Please be sure to download the Famly communication app to your mobile device to sign in & out electronically.
Please notify the school if your child will be absent for any reason. It is important for us to track the reason for children’s absences especially if it is something contagious or if your child will be absent for an extended period of time. You can email the Preschool office at preschool@wearepcc.com or call (650) 365-8079.
It is important that children are picked up on time each day. School ends at 1 p.m. for part day classes & 5 pm for full day classes. We grant a 5-minute grace period for those occasional times of running late. After the 5-minute grace period there will be a charge of $1 per minute until your child is picked up. Payment will be due when the child is picked up.
If you have an emergency that is causing you to run late at pick up time, please call the Preschool office at 650-365-8079 or contact us on the parent communication app (Famly)
The State of California requires that children with obvious signs of illness not be accepted at school upon arrival. The following is a partial list of symptoms that would indicate a child should remain at home and not attend school:
A fever within the last 48 hours
Diarrhea and/or vomiting within the last 48 hours
A skin rash that has not been identified
Evidence of head lice
Continuous coughing or constant runny nose
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Sore throat
Open cold sores
A green runny nose at the beginning of a cold
A runny nose that the child cannot manage
If a child comes to school with any of these symptoms, we will call you and ask you to pick your child up. If a child’s cold symptoms are making him or her lethargic, or a child’s runny nose is too much for him or her to manage, your child should remain at home. A note from a doctor is required when the child’s allergies have the appearance of cold symptoms. Medication can only be administered at school after the State of California’s written authorization requirements have been met. You can pick up the necessary forms in the office.
If a child becomes sick while at school, we will call the parents on their home, work, and cell phones. If we are not able to reach a parent after 20 minutes, we will begin calling the designated people listed in the child’s file.
If a child has a fever or vomiting or diarrhea, we ask that parents keep the child home for 48-hours from the last occurrence of these symptoms to help prevent the spread of illness.
If you plan to withdraw your child from school, we need to be notified 30-days before your child’s last day. This allows us the time we need to fill the opening without financial impact on the school. If we are not given a 30-day notice, you will be charged one month’s tuition.
Small group times hold a variety of purposes for learning and socializing. During this time, the children will eat snack packed from home.
Small group activity time allows for the practice and development of many skills. Teachers will provide an activity each day for the children that builds cognitive, listening, problem-solving, or small motor skills. For example, children will practice cutting with scissors, correctly holding and using crayons, and working with manipulatives. Oral language skills are strengthened through the casual conversations that take place between children and teachers. Teachers also read a story to the children during this time, followed by comprehension-type questions.
4 and 5-year-old children will learn from different Handwriting Without Tears materials. Teachers will select curriculum from Handwriting Without Tears that is appropriate for their age and level of development. These materials and activities will help children use a correct pencil grip, form letters properly, and identify letter names and sounds.
The curriculum for all our classes includes activities centered on math, science, music, art, cooking, oral language skills, social skills, and large and small motor skill development. Dramatic play is also included. Additionally, we provide opportunities for spiritual development. Children will be exposed to simple Bible stories and songs, and truths about God’s love. Every week the activities in each room are changed, providing an interesting and rich learning environment.
Summer sessions follow a monthly theme and Bible truth.
Although we try to set up a learning environment that will create the least amount of conflicts, problems arise. Our first response when misbehavior occurs is to teach the correct behavior. We do this by using “clear and positive” statements. For example, if a child is throwing blocks, we will say, “The blocks are for building.” If the child continues to throw blocks, we then offer a choice: “You can build with the blocks, or you can play somewhere else.” If the behavior continues, we will give a logical or natural consequence. In this case, the child might be removed from the block area and directed to a new place to play. We encourage the child to try again by inviting him or her back to the block area to try building with the blocks. Our redirection techniques are done calmly and with respect.
Communication is essential to our staff and families. There are several ways we keep you informed about what’s happening at school. One way is through our monthly newsletter. The monthly newsletter will be emailed to you at the beginning of each month. It will provide you with information for the upcoming month, news about the new themes and events, activities, parenting tips, and reminders of things you need to know. Class photos and information about classroom activities is shared every Tuesday on the parent communication app Famly.
Most communication will take place through email. However, we will occasionally send home hard copies of information. These will be placed in your child's cubby. At dismissal, teachers will have children check their cubbies before leaving school.
Another valuable form of communication is done through person-to-person conversations. Administrative questions can be answered by calling the office, emailing us, or stopping in the office. Teachers are available for questions before and after school, and conferences can be scheduled as needed throughout the school year.
Formal Parent/Teacher conferences will be held in March. We close the school on conference days to free up our teachers to meet with you. At this time, we will share our observations and answer any questions you may have. Teachers assess each child before conferences to provide you with concrete information about your child’s growth. We ask that your child does not accompany you to conferences.
You are welcome to request a conference any time you have a concern or something you’d like to discuss. You can call the preschool office to schedule an appointment.
We are also available for informal discussions with you. Certain questions are best answered after our teachers can meet together and share their observations and input. Since each teacher will be making observations of your child, it is beneficial to gain everyone’s perspective. It is our policy to refrain from conversations regarding your child in his or her presence. We do not want to cause any embarrassment or treat your child as if he/she is not there with us.
The children will play outside in all kinds of weather, except the rain. We will go outside when it is cold, foggy, windy, and even in a light mist. We will also go outside after the rain has stopped. Please dress your child in clothes that are appropriate for the weather and that can get muddy and sandy.
When it is raining, the children will remain in the classrooms. We will extend our morning schedule and go back to free choice time to end our day.
There will be many opportunities for your child to use paint, play in mud or sand, or otherwise get “messy” in the classroom and on the playground. Please dress your child in clothes that can get dirty. This will allow your child to experience the greatest amount of freedom in the activities available. Children may become reluctant to participate if they are concerned about getting their clothes dirty. The paint and art supplies we use here at school are marked as washable, though some colors can be difficult to wash out.
Please encourage your child to wear closed-toed shoes to school. Tennis shoes work best for freedom of movement. We discourage sandals, “crocs,” and flip-flops. They may cause slipping or tripping on the playground and make it difficult to run and jump freely. Also, children tend to take these types of shoes off. Children are required to wear shoes at all times while at school.
We discourage children from wearing clothing that displays superheroes or any of the current TV characters that may over-stimulate children or encourage aggressive behavior. Superheroes often create a good guy/bad guy type of play that we discourage while at preschool.
Also, please dress your child in clothing that they can easily manage when they use the bathroom at school. Elastic waist pants are easiest for children to pull up & down. Overalls, belts, and buttons are more difficult to manage.
Children will be honored in several ways on their birthdays. During the morning, the birthday child will receive a special birthday crown, and the children will sing a special “Happy Birthday” song at Carpet Time. During small group time, the birthday child will be served his/her snack on a birthday plate with a special cup and napkin. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate your child’s half birthday if they are not enrolled in our year round program.
We find that toys brought from home often interfere with the learning environment here at school. Children become curious about these toys and want a turn to play with them. This potentially creates conflicts between the children and draws the children away from the materials the teachers have planned for the week. Toys may also get lost or broken. There are special occasions that children will be asked to bring items from home, show & tell days or Fun Fridays.
If your child is asking to bring something to school, please encourage him or her to leave items at home to keep them safe.
If your child is insistent on bringing a toy to school, we will offer him or her the following choices:
We will ask the parent to take the toy once the child reaches the door.
We will ask the parent to wait while the child shows the toy to a friend or teacher and then have the parent take the toy.
It is beneficial to the staff and your child when we are aware of changes in your family status. Please keep us informed of the more obvious transitions such as separations, illness of a family member, death of a family member or close friend, moving, visitors in your home, the birth of a new baby, etc.
If issues arise during the school year, you may bring your concerns to the site director, Jenn Corrales. She can be reached by email at jennc@wearepcc.com or calling 650-365-8079.
Lost and Found items are placed in the Preschool Office. Feel free to check with us for anything your child is missing. Please be sure to label your child's belongings with their name so we can ensure their return. The preschool is not responsible for lost items.
We ask families to bring the following for their children on the first day of school, in case the need arises to use:
1) An emergency kit can include applesauce, dried fruit, fruit snacks, crackers, granola bar, z-bar, beef jerky, and a bottle of water (only non-perishables). Please make sure all foods included are nut-free, and please include an information card in the Ziplock that includes your child's name and any emergency contact names and phone numbers.
2) An extra set of clothes to use in case of a potty accident, a spill, or s/he gets wet from water play.
3) Photos - one of the family and one of your child, to have displayed in the classroom.